By Meg Heath
Special to The SUN
The Intermountain CFC Local Federal Coordinating Committee is seeking applications from eligible charitable organizations from southwestern Colorado that wish to part of the CFC Charity List for the 2013 Campaign.
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the only authorized solicitation of employees in the Federal workplace on behalf of charitable organizations. Federal employees continue to make the CFC the largest and most successful workplace philanthropic fund-raiser in the world. The campaign enables military and civilian federal workers, including U.S. Postal Service employees, to support charitable causes of their choice.
In 2012, federal employees in southwest Colorado raised more than $13,000 while the Intermountain CF C raised $2,754,000 for charitable organizations selected by the individual federal employees who made voluntary contributions via payroll deduction, check, and cash gifts.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Charities are organizations with status as tax-exempt charities as determined by the Internal Revenue Service under 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code that provide health and human services and that are determined to be eligible for participation in the CFC.
Local charities can apply by visiting and then selecting “Intermountain CFC” as their local campaign after registering. Megg Heath and Ashton Hargrave are available to answer applicants’ questions: Megg Heath (970) 882-6855, e-mail or Ashton Hargrave (970) 882-6844, e-mail
Local charitable organizations from the southwest Colorado area should continue to send their annual CFC applications to the following address: Dolores Public Lands Office, ATTN: Ashton Hargrave/Megg Heath-CFC Co-Chairs, 29211 Highway 184, Dolores, CO 81323.
CFC applications must arrive no later than March 27, 2013.