By Pauline Benetti
Special to The PREVIEW
Tuesday, April 22, is Earth Day; in Pagosa Springs, this date has undergone a Rocky Mountain conversion into Earth Day Week (Monday through Saturday) as Southwest Organization for Sustainability (SOS) promotes a week of community events to celebrate this most auspicious day.
This article will provide the schedule of events ready at press time; however, individuals and organizations that would like to participate are encouraged to contact SOS (see below). Here is the schedule as of press time:
Audubon Society is sponsoring two Mother Nature’s Birds and Scavenger Hunts: 1) at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 23, to meet at the gazebo in Centennial Park; 2) 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 26, to meet at Vista Lake on Port Avenue. Bring binoculars and bird books.
Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership Spider Plant giveaway on Tuesday, April 22, from noon-3 p.m., at Pagosa Baking Company.
Habitat for Humanity is sponsoring a Recycled Art Show in the former City Market complex; preview is Thursday, April 24, noon-6 p.m.; opening is Friday, April 25, 6-9 p.m. with a $25 donation and includes a silent auction, music, hors d’oeuvres and spirits; the free showing is Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
The library has an Earth Day display case for the month of April and on Tuesday, April 22, from 4-5:30 p.m., the Teen Library Program (grades 7-12) will create photo cubes with recycled CD cases.
Pagosa Composting, a community affair, is sponsoring, “Can you dig it?” That means a chance to see the new community composting site and learn how it works at the north end of the Extension building at the county fairgrounds between 4:30 and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. No compost contributions yet, please.
SOS is sponsoring a Community Potluck at the Pagosa Youth Center on Saturday, April 26, from 6-9 p.m. Family friendly with music. An item of nonperishable food for a local food pantry will get you a ticket. Bring used household batteries for disposal and t-shirts or other cloth items for stamping with our Earth Day Carbon Footprint logo.
SOS is showing the film “Growth Busters — Hooked on Growth” on Saturday, April 26, at 3 p.m. at the library. The title is a take-off on another famous film, but this one treats a very serious issue with just enough humor to keep one from being overwhelmed by the evidence presented. One man, Dave Gardner, an ex-councilman from Colorado Springs, takes on city hall, Wall Street, presidents and the Pope as he questions society’s most fundamental beliefs about prosperity and happiness. Bill McKibben says, “The cult of endless growth has kept us from seeing clearly the choices in front of us.”
SOS is sharing its Carbon Footprint logo for Earth Day Week 2014 events so that you, your business or organization can show the public that you are involved in the week, long festivities; one of our members, Nyla, is the artist and has designed the logo so that the words Take Steps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and footprints images are superimposed on an image of the planet. It will be sized to stamp on flags, t-shirts or other cloth items. Interested? Contact Nyla at (507) 304-3932 or
Town of Pagosa Springs’ Jim Miller will be planting trees at Yamaguchi Park on Saturday, April 26, at 10 a.m.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Road Cleanup Brigade meets at Unit 15 in Greenbriar Plaza on Tuesday April 22, at 9 a.m. Participants will receive bright orange vests and plastic bags and instructions. Area to be covered includes Village Drive.
5K Trash Walk on Tuesday, April 22, at 4:30-6 p.m. at the Pagosa Lakes Recreation Center. Contestants will be provided with vests, trash bags, water and snack, and are asked to wear long pants, closed shoes and gloves, if possible. Course to be revealed at start time. Contestants can expect contests with prizes. Contact Stacey Boone at 946-5001.
Would you like to join the celebration? Here are some ideas to get you thinking, but don’t be limited by them. The asterisk (*) indicates an idea in search of an organizer. Contact us with your ideas:
• Trippin’ Over Trash — exploring solutions to recycling issues.
• Solid Footing — sustainable building ideas.
• Strut Your Stuff — go on the SOS Facebook page and share what you do to reduce the carbon footprint.
• Can you dig it? — composting and gardening.
• Walk the Walk — compassionate clean-up (do you know someone who could use help with a clean-up need?).
• Hikes, park cleanup.
• Arts — recycled art show, *arts/crafts project demos, *recycled fashion show.
Contact Nyla with your ideas for participating, or to use the SOS Earth Day Week logo, at (507) 304-3932 or
Other Earth Day-related activities and events are published and advertised in this week’s edition of The SUN and PREVIEW.