It has been a very busy legislative summer and fall, with multiple interim committee hearings and statewide tours for capital development, water, transportation and off-highway vehicles.
The South Platte River is the only major river in Colorado that does not have a water storage dam on the main stem. Just this spring, 2 million acre feet of water, water that legally could be stored and used in Colorado, left the state with no way of stopping it. This is a crying shame when we are continuing to divert Western Slope water to the Front Range, agriculture water is being bought up and the land dried up for development, and Front Range aquifers are being sucked dry. South Platte water storage is a no-brainer to me.
I attended the Legislative Transportation Review Committee held in Durango in late September. I continue to be concerned that we are falling further and further behind on maintenance of Colorado highways. It seems to me that maintenance must be the top priority.
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