Summer continues to be very busy. I have been given the opportunity to discuss the legislative session with folks from Pagosa Springs to Gunnison, and I hope to see many more citizens between now and when the second session begins in January.
I attended a tour and then a forum spearheaded by Hinsdale County Commissioner Cindy Dozier regarding the devastation of southern Colorado forests by the spruce beetle.
Speakers at the forum included experts in forest management from the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Colorado Forest Service. The number of dead trees on Slumgullion Pass equal numbers on Wolf Creek Pass. The difference is, on Slumgullion Pass, the USFS has contracted with the sawmill in Montrose to remove dead trees along the highway corridor. This will help to serve as a fire break in case of a catastrophic fire. Young, living trees are left standing, which will hurry reforestation of the area.
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