Although Walmart representatives still had not filed a notice of appeal with the Pagosa Springs town clerk as of press time Wednesday concerning the issue with its parking lot lights, the town’s board of adjustments proceeded with its Tuesday night meeting under the assumption that this would happen eventually.
Even the mundane matter of approving the meeting minutes from its recent Walmart hearing took on an extra significance. When board president pro tem Heidi Martinez (board president Ron Maez attended the meeting via speaker phone) asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the June 30 and July 21 meetings, board member Peter Adams expressed concern.
“If these minutes are approved,” Adams pointed out, “they could be used (as evidence), and I have some questions about them.”
When asked if he had heard whether or not Walmart planned an appeal to town council, Town Planner James Dickhoff said, “I don’t know for sure, but I would expect they would.”
In the end, town attorney Bob Cole, who was also participating in the meeting via speaker phone, recommended approving the minutes as written, but under the stipulation that the audio recordings from the meeting would be deemed more accurate if there were any discrepancies with the written minutes.
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