Become a founding member of the Pagosa Springs Earth Community


By Joan Mieritz

Special to The PREVIEW

The newly organized Pagosa Springs Earth Community will meet on Thursday, Aug. 13, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Ruby Sisson Library.

The meeting on July 28 gave a name to the group and created a book club that will start meeting regularly at the library in September studying David Korten’s books. The group also started planning for an educational program to be held in September.

Korten’s books tell that the world has been in an Empire Era for the past 5,000 years, but the patterns of violent domination are no longer working, as evidenced by all the problems in the world. There is a brief window of opportunity for us to pass to a new model called Earth Community, characterized by peaceful partnership and cooperation with a more secure and fulfilling life for all.

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