Astronomy Day May 14 to be filled with fun activities


By Joan Mieritz

Special to The PREVIEW

Astronomy Day this spring is May 14, and the San Juan Stargazers will have educational and fun activities to celebrate the wonders of our amazing Universe. It is free and will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

We have a new location which is both noticeable and safe. We will be meeting across from the Ruby Sisson Library, north of U.S. 160 on 8th street and Rosita Street, which is the frontage road between Martie’s Mercantile and Old Town Market. We will be using Martie’s umbrella tables for activities and hope to have a solar telescope set up.

We have activities for all ages from very young to very old and everyone in between. It is especially nice that parents can work with their children on activities. You can stay for a short time or spend hours.

We also will have an area with amazing photos where club members will be teaching about the universe and you can ask questions. We will have several club members who will be designated “telescope experts” to answer questions and sign up your telescope for our regular club meeting on May 26 at 7 p.m. at the Pagosa Springs Visitor Center, which will be a “Telescope clinic.”

We are trying to get all the telescopes in Pagosa out of the closet and working. We have a unique opportunity for all telescope owners to come to the Chimney Rock Star Parties, held from June to September, to practice using your scope and be of service to others.

We will have cupcakes, cookies, snacks and drinks available for a donation to our scholarship fund. Hope to see you for this “out of this world” experience.