Astronomy club will meet Dec. 19


By Joan Mieritz

Special to The PREVIEW

The first meeting of the new Astronomy Club in Pagosa was attended by 12 enthusiastic charter members.

The club’s name is San Juan Stargazers, so that people from the entire region will feel welcome.

The club has a website — — as well as an e-mail address, and a club phone number (970) 335-8286 to help communicate with the public. All this thanks to the talent of Natalie Carpenter.

The club has joined the Astronomical League and is offering two magazines, Sky and Telescope and Astronomy, at reduced club rates, plus wonderful astronomy and science calendars for 2013.

Programs are set for the next three months with December’s meeting being about the winter solstice (led by Nancy Savage) and astronomy tools, presented by Jerry Granok. Michael Vincent will supply a monthly, computerized educational program.

It was decided that the club will not be a highly technical group, but members will educate themselves and the public with great enthusiasm. There are numerous ,exciting ideas for programs, field trips and public events.

Meetings are held at the Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center on Hot Springs Boulevard, starting with snacks at 5 p.m. Everyone is asked to bring finger food to share since the group will meet early during the winter months. Educational programs start at 5:45 p.m. The normal meeting day is the third Thursday of each month but, in December, the club will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 19. Group members range from high school age to senior citizens and anyone who has seen the wondrous dark skies of this area and has to know more is welcome to join.