By Marilyn Harris
Special to The SUN
Archuleta County Republican Women will meet Tuesday, Nov. 12, at Nello’s Restaurant from noon to 1:30 p.m. to hear the three county commissioners discuss the upcoming 2014 budget.
Archuleta County has three commissioners elected to represent three geographic districts for a four-year term. Current county commissioners are Clifford Lucero, Michael Whiting and Steve Wadley.
One of the commissioners’ major responsibilities, quoted from the official website for Archuleta County is, “a responsibility to provide leadership to county operations through the adoption of the annual budget, which includes all departments, commissions, and other spending agencies funded by county appropriations, including law enforcement and human services.”
Other duties are listed on the same website and are important to be aware of. Budget adoption time is close. This is an opportunity for people attending the ACRW meeting to ask the commissioners about the proposed county budget and budget items.
For those wishing to have lunch, a four-item lunch selection is provided at $10 a person. Everyone is welcome. ACRW meetings are open to both women and men. Call 731-6336 for more information.