By Lisa Jensen
Special to The PREVIEW
The Archuleta County Fair is gearing up to be “Fun for the Whole Herd!” This year’s fair runs from July 31 to Aug. 3 and promises something for everyone.
The 4-H members are getting their animals ready for the live auction. Locals have been preparing canned goods and preserves, planning baked goods, growing fresh produce and readying art projects for the exhibit hall.
This year’s fair will also feature the popular Junkyard Jamboree, homemade ice cream making, amateur boxing matches, blindfolded lawnmower races, live music, kids’ games and activities, Cowboy Fast Draw and more.
The volunteer Archuleta County Fair Board works all year to plan the fair, coordinates 150 volunteers and makes sure everything is in place. (Whew.) This 63rd annual fair is truly a community event. Thanks to your support, we can provide our residents, newcomers and visitors with a most memorable event. Any donation, no matter how large or small, from individual people or businesses, helps ensure a successful and fun event.
The Archuleta County Fair is financed by funding from the Board of County Commissioners, individual and business donations, and entry fees. This year, we must raise $34,000. All donors will receive public recognition in The Pagosa Springs SUN and on KWUF radio. Your contribution will also be featured on the sponsor/donor link on our website,, and all donations above patron level will receive passes for the duration of the fair.
Patron sponsors donate $100 to $249. Bronze sponsors donate $250 to $499 and receive one fair pass. Silver sponsors donate $500 to $999 and receive three fair passes. Gold sponsors give $1,000 to $1,499 and receive four passes. Platinum level sponsors contribute $1,500 or more and receive six passes. Every donor receives our undying gratitude and the appropriate level designations in our advertising.
To donate, please mail a check to Archuleta County Fair, P.O. Box 370, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. You can also donate by credit card by calling the Archuleta County Extension Office at 264-5931. You can even bring cash or credit card to the Archuleta County Extension Office, located at 344 U.S. 84.
For more information, please contact a fair board representative at 264-5931.
Thank you and be sure to come out and join in “Fun for the Whole Herd!”
Over 150 volunteers are needed to put on the county fair each year and we still need many more for this year’s fair. Volunteers are needed to help all days from Thursday, July 31, through Sunday, Aug. 3. Some of the volunteer activities include taking tickets at the entrance gates, directing traffic in the parking lot, driving the train that gives free rides to youth of all ages around the fairgrounds, and many other fun activities.
Volunteers receive wrist bands for free admission to the fair all weekend and the gratitude of the community.
If you have a few hours to help out, please contact Linda Moultin, the fair’s volunteer coordinator, at 946-6714. Don’t miss this opportunity to help out with this popular event and enjoy all of the fun activities the entire weekend.
CPR and first aid
CPR and first aid certification classes are offered monthly by the CSU Extension office on the second Monday and Wednesday of each month from 6-10 p.m. Anyone needing to receive or renew certification can register by calling the Extension office at 264-5931.
We will also schedule classes on additional dates with five or more registrations. Cost for the classes are $80 for combined CPR/first aid and $55 for individual CPR or first aid. The type of first aid information provided will vary by the needs of the audience. Group rates are available. Call the Extension office for information at 264-5931.