By Lois O’Dell
Special to The PREVIEW
A defensive driving class sponsored by AARP Driver Safety Program is scheduled for Thursday, July 18, at the Pagosa Springs Senior Center, 451 Hot Springs Blvd, Pagosa Springs, from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
This class is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members and includes all class materials and light refreshments.
The class is a nationwide DMV-accredited, defensive driving program that highlights recognizing and compensating for naturally occurring age-related changes that happen as drivers age. Statistically, accident severity increases as we age. Learn strategies to help keep you safe.
All drivers are welcome. In Colorado, and most states, significant auto insurance discounts apply to drivers age 55 and older who complete the course.
Call Lois O’Dell to register or for additional information at 259-5589.