Special to The PREVIEW
The Wild West Squares teaching program invites you to a free community square dance party, “Wild West Jubilee,” April 13 at 7 p.m. at the PLPOA Clubhouse.
This family-friendly, western-themed event will feature demonstrations of basic, mainstream and plus dancing of the Wild West Squares, free food and a community “barn” dance with live music for anyone who would like to try very simple and fun square dance activities.
No previous dance experience is necessary to participate in this simple and historically accurate style of early square dance. The caller teaches each dance with a walk through and then the live music starts up for a real, old-time frolic guaranteed to burn off some calories.
Over the decades, square dance has evolved into what we now call modern western square dance. During the evening festivities, students and teaching “angels” of the Wild West Squares will perform a variety of modern western square dance demonstrations with caller Carla Roberts.
They are part of an outstanding new group of beginning and intermediate square dancers who attend weekly classes and enjoy the camaraderie of learning and laughing together while dancing. If you are interested in finding out about this healthy pastime, new classes start April 20.
With live old-time music, square dance demos and a community barn dance, “Wild West Jubilee” will be a free evening of entertainment for the whole family to attend. The PLPOA Clubhouse is located at 230 Port Ave. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. For more information, call Roberts at 903-6478.
The following week, on April 20, from 7 to 8 p.m., the Wild West Squares teaching program begins a free eight-week Introduction to square dance.
Roberts will teach at the basic level, so new dancers can quickly master enough calls (or dance steps) to experience the exhilaration of dancing in a group setting. The class focus is for everyone to have an enjoyable dance session while learning the building blocks of square dance.
This is a fun, easygoing and free class open to families, couples and singles. Suggested age for children is at least 8 years old. Call Roberts to enroll.
Multi-instrumentalist, singer and performing arts specialist Roberts has taught and performed concerts in schools and fine arts venues in the western states for the last 35 years. Her Four Corners-based Wild West Squares program is designed to bring the joy of modern western square dance to people of all ages with free classes available in Pagosa Springs, Durango and Aztec, N.M.