With the deadline to petition for a spot on November’s General Election ballot in the books, it is now official that there are only two contested races at the county level --— District 3 commissioner and surveyor.
Following are the candidates that have been deemed qualified and certified by Archuleta County Clerk and Recorder June Madrid to appear on the November ballot.
For county commissioner, District 3, incumbent Michael Whiting (unaffiliated) will face off against Republican challenger Ray Lattin to serve on the three-commissioner board.
For surveyor, incumbent Thomas Johnston will face challengers Dean Schultz and Ron Sutcliffe. All three men are running unaffiliated.
With no challengers in the remaining five races, it looks as though the following candidates will secure their sought-after positions. All of the candidates are Republicans.
Madrid, Treasurer Betty Diller and Assessor Natalie Woodruff are all running for re-election.
For sheriff, Richard Valdez is running for a first term.
Similarly, Dan Keuning is running for a first term as coroner.