Photography club meeting set for July 10


By Gregg Heid

Special to The PREVIEW

The Pagosa Springs Photography Club will hold its July meeting on Wednesday, July 10, at the Community United Methodist Church, 434 Lewis St.

Join us for socializing at 6 p.m., followed by a brief business meeting at 6:30 p.m. Longtime photographers and those just starting out are welcome.

The Photography Club normally meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the fellowship room of the Methodist Church.

The speaker at the July meeting will be Daryl Saffer. He is a filmmaker/photographer/composer and was the audio/video producer for Mind Magic Productions (RMC Interactive). There, he composed the soundtrack and edited the video (live action and animation) for the Jane Goodall environmental adventure CD-ROM “Jubilee’s Journey.” Saffer studied and taught classical composition with the goal of composing film music. He became so interested in the process of filmmaking that he began shooting his own films of his favorite subject — nature.

His camera has focused on such diverse subjects as orcas off the coast of Vancouver Island, public housing in Florida and cosmic theory. Saffer documented a botanical expedition in the cloud forest of Venezuela, produced the CD-ROM “Tales Of Titans — The Amorphophallus Titanum in North America” and his film, “Myakka River State Park,” is part of the permanent exhibit at the South Florida Museum. Saffer produced, photographed and edited the Education Channel’s award-winning programs for the Florida Field Journal and is now shooting and editing episodes of The Field Journal in Colorado.

“The Wild Orchid Man In The Devil’s Realm” is the fifth film in the Wild Orchid Man series. The series is sponsored by the Sarasota Orchid Society as part of its education program. The films are travelogues focusing on the flora and fauna in the ecosystems that support rare and exotic orchids. The films have ranged from the swamps of Florida to the tundra of Manitoba and from the Peruvian Andes to the island of Tasmania.

In their latest film, world renowned orchid taxonomist and artist Stig Dalström and Saffer traveled to the Australian island of Tasmania seeking the strange plants and legendary animals that inhabit this land. While stunningly beautiful, this land has a dark and tortured past. It is now striving towards a more enlightened cultural and environmental future.

Club members may bring up to 10 photos on a thumb drive to share with the group after the presentation.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our president, Andy Butler at (512) 581-1470 or visit our website