Parks and Wildlife merger subject of Aug. 15 Montrose meeting


Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is seeking comments and questions about the merged agency. The agency merger occurred in 2011.

Residents of western Colorado are invited to an open house meeting at the CPW office in Montrose, 4-7 p.m., Aug. 15.

The purpose of the meeting is to help Parks and Wildlife officials develop a five-year plan for the agency as directed by the Colorado State Legislature. The plan, known as the “Path Forward” is being developed on a foundation of several other planning efforts that the agency has underway to address everything from big game management to parks and trails. The process is also drawing heavily on the strategic plans that the former Division of Wildlife and Colorado State Parks had in place. The “Path Forward” will set long-term strategic direction and budget priorities for the agency.

“We encourage Colorado residents with an interest in managing our wildlife, parks and trails to tell us how we’re doing, to ask questions and to share their ideas about what they would like to see in the future for our agency,” said Patt Dorsey, southwest regional manager for Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission is working closely with agency staff to develop the plan which is scheduled for completion by Dec. 31.

The Montrose Parks and Wildlife office is located at 2300 S. Townsend Ave., which is also U.S. 550.

For more information on the “Path Forward” go to, or contact Dave Chadwick at or (303) 291-7174.