Commissioner Veronica Medina will serve as chair of the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) for the second consecutive year after being unanimously nominated for the position during the board’s meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22.
Before making a nomination or voting on the matter, Commissioner John Ranson initiated discussion on the topic, explaining that the board had “what I thought was a really good discussion” during a work session held on Tuesday, Jan. 14.
He noted part of that discussion revolved around “the importance of teamwork up here,” adding that he believes it is “important to include others when you make a big decision.”
Ranson indicated that he was able to meet with both Medina and Commissioner Warren Brown prior to taking office as he did not have an opponent in the election.
“These two are really great representatives and good people,” Ranson said. “And they both care deeply about the constituents in our community, which I think is very important for any elected official.”
Ranson also noted that it was “kind of a hard decision to come to,” indicating he’d be “totally comfortable” with either Brown or Medina serving as chair of the BoCC.
Ranson also commented on Brown’s suggestion that the chair be a rotating position to “take this out of our hands a little bit.”
He noted that 2025 and 2026 are equally important years for the chair position.
Ranson then motioned to nominate Medina as chair for 2025, and to “go with” Brown’s concept of rotating chair position the following year and have Brown serve as chair for 2026.
“I have total confidence in Commissioner Brown just like I do Medina,” Ranson said.
Brown seconded Ranson’s motion to nominate Medina as chair, but not to hold the board to a decision for the following year in 2026.
Before voting, Medina commented that the discussion during the Jan. 14 work session “was a good conversation, “ and that “it needed to be had.”
She added, “A lot of things were said that needed to be said and we moved on.”
The board then unanimously approved Ranson’s nomination for Medina to serve as the chair for 2025.
The board then unanimously approved Brown to serve as vice chair.
Board and committee appointments
During the Jan. 21 meeting, the BoCC also made appointments to various boards and committees for local and regional organizations.
“They may appoint other members of the community or staff in their place,” the agenda states.
The following is a list of the appointments made:
• Archuleta County Housing Authority: Ranson, with Medina as alternate.
• Archuleta Seniors Inc.: Ranson.
• Archuleta County Weed Advisory Board: Brown.
• Club 20: Medina, with Mary Jo Coulehan as alternate.
• Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation: Brown, with Ranson as alternate.
• Archuleta County Fair Board: Medina.
• Housing Solutions for the Southwest: Ranson, with Medina as alternate.
• Pagosa Springs Area Tourism Board: Ranson, with Brown as alternate.
• Archuleta County Board of Health: Medina and Brown.
• Region 9 Economic Development District: Medina and County Attorney Todd Weaver, with Coulehan as alternate.
• San Juan Basin Area Agency on Aging: Ranson.
• San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership: Medina.
• San Juan/Dolores/San Miguel River Basins Roundtable: Medina.
• Southwest Council of Governments: Medina.
• Southwest Opioid Response District: Ranson.
• Southwest Transportation Planning Region: Brown and Public Works Director Mike Torres.
• Southwest Water Conservation Board: J.R Ford.
• Pagosa Springs Urban Renewal Authority: Johanna Tully-Elliot.
The appointments were approved unanimously.
The BoCC also made 2025 proxy designations for Colorado Counties Inc. (CCI) committees.
Those designations include:
• Tourism, resorts and economic development: Ranson, with Brown as alternate.
• General government: Brown, with Medina as alternate.
• Taxation and finance: Ranson.
• Transportation and telecommunications: Brown, with Ranson as alternate.
• Public lands: Brown, with Medina as alternate.
• Agriculture, wildlife and rural affairs: Medina, with Brown as alternate.
• Land use natural resources: Brown, with Ranson as alternate.
• Health and human services: Medina, with Director of Human Services Heidi Martinez as alternate.
• CCI legislative: Brown, with Medina as alternate.
• Underfunded Courthouse: Brown, with Ranson as alternate.
The designations were approved unanimously.