Local team seeks to conquer two volcanoes in Guatemala for a purpose


Photo courtesy Edify

At the end of April, a team of trail runners from Pagosa Springs will go to Guatemala with local Bryce Baca and Edify to visit schools the organization works with and run across two volcanoes in an effort to raise $50,000.

By Bryce Baca | Edify

At the end of April, Bryce Baca, a Pagosa Springs local, is leading a trip to Antigua, Guatemala, with a group of trail runners from Pagosa. They are going with an organization called Edify. 

Edify is a global nonprofit that works to help Christ-centered schools in the developing world improve and expand. They currently work with more than 17,000 schools across 12 countries in Latin America and Africa. Edify’s co-founder and CEO currently resides in Pagosa Springs along with four other Edify staff members.

Baca’s team is going to Guatemala to visit a few of the schools that Edify partners with, but they are also doing something quite extraordinary while they are there. The team is running 20 miles across two volcanoes located outside of the city. The real challenge comes with the 8,000 vertical feet of climbing the team will have to do to reach the top.

The main purpose in doing this adventurous challenge is to raise $50,000 for Edify. Each member of the team is paying their way to Guatemala, so that means that all the money raised is going to directly to support Edify’s operations around the world. Also the team would like to note that every dollar that is raised from this event is being matched by a generous partner. So, if they are able to reach their target, then they will have raised $100,000.

One of Baca’s friends that is running with them is a videographer from Vancouver, Canada, who will be filming a short film about the schools they visit and the run over the volcanoes. Baca plans to premiere the video at an event later this year for the community to attend. More details to come this summer.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Baca at bbaca@edify.org. More information can also be found on his Instagram and Facebook pages (@baca.bryce).

How you can partner

On average, there are about 250 students in each school that Edify serves. It costs about $2.37 for Edify to impact the life of a student for one year.

With a donation of $300 (or $25 times 12 months), your partnership would be helping impact about 125 students for a whole year.

With a donation of $600 (or $50 times 12 months), your partnership would be helping impact an entire school for a whole year.

Any donation, any amount, will be going to improve and expand Christ-centered education around the world. And don’t forget that every donation is being matched.

More information about Edify can be found at edify.org.