Join students for National Bike to School Day


By April Rossetti

Special to The SUN

Does riding your bike to school with your friends sound like fun?

Join Retro Metro Kids-Safe Routes To School (and thousands of other kids all around the country) for National Bike To School Day on May 9.

Come out to get some fresh air and enjoy a bike ride before the bell rings.

There will be adults leading both rides, one to the elementary school and one to the middle school. Parents may drop off kids for the bike ride, but are also more than welcome to join the ride. Helmets are required. Drinks and snacks will be available to enjoy before the ride begins.

The first-ever National Bike to School Day took place on May 9, 2012, in coordination with the League of American Bicyclists’ National Bike Month. National Bike to School Day provides an opportunity for schools across the country to join together to celebrate and to build off of the energy of National Bike Month.

The event is open to Pagosa Springs elementary and middle school students. Participants will meet at 6:45 a.m. at Yamaguchi Park. The ride begins at 7:15 a.m.

Bring your bicycle, helmet, gloves and warm layers.

Volunteers needed

We are aiming to have a 3-to-1 ratio of kids to adults to ensure safe riding on the road. To sign up, please email or