Special to The SUN
The Durango Education Foundation (DEF) invites every voter in the 59th District to attend “Education Matters: A Candidates’ Forum,” to learn from Colorado state representative candidates Mike McLachlan and J. Paul Brown about where they stand on the critical issues of education today.
The forum will be held at the La Plata County Fairgrounds Extension Building on Tuesday, Oct. 14, from 6-7 p.m. Following the formal session, the audience will have the opportunity to engage the candidates in informal, individual discussion. This is a nonpartisan event open to all at no charge. It is offered as a public service, not as a fundraising event.
The foundation believes that whoever serves as Colorado’s 59th District state representative in the next term will be challenged to resolve many major issues in education — issues that affect our students, our schools and ultimately, our communities.
At this forum, voters will learn how the candidates stand on vital educational issues such as school funding, state educational mandates, teacher evaluations, changing educational standards, student testing and more.
Although normally the Durango Education Foundation focuses on serving only School District 9-R, the forum will address issues faced by schools (public and private) throughout the 59th District. To obtain the broadest representation of pressing education concerns, DEF invites the public to submit questions in advance, to be organized and consolidated by DEF, but not presented to the candidates beforehand. Submit questions to DEF at 9RFoundation@gmail.com, 385-1491 or through the DEF website “Contact Us” page: www.durangoeducationfoundation.org.