County approves new marijuana regs, allows more operations


Despite the approval of an updated marijuana ordinance that opens the door for additional marijuana operations in unincorporated Archuleta County, several in attendance at Tuesday’s public hearing were unhappy with the ordinance not allowing commercial marijuana grow operations in areas zoned for agriculture.

Instead, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners opted to approve the ordinance as presented during Tuesday’s continuation of the second reading of the ordinance, and pledged to research allowing operations in agriculturally zoned areas for a future update.

The second reading of the ordinance began on July 7, but was continued until July 21 to allow County Attorney Todd Starr to hold a public work session to draft additional language requiring retail stores to sell primarily locally grown raw product (versus infused products) — something that also extends to medical stores.

As they have before, the public hearing — which took more than an hour and a half — again began with Starr informing the board and audience of the changes to the ordinance. The floor was then open to commissioner discussion, followed by public comment both for and against the presented ordinance.

Conversation on the day, however, largely surrounded a couple of topics — when fees should be submitted for completed applications, and operations in areas zoned for agriculture.

More operations allowed

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