In a regular meeting for the Pagosa Springs Sanitation and General Improvement District (PSSGID)on Tuesday, Dec. 1, Art Dilione, a representative for Bartlett and West, presented a number of issues that concerned him to the PSSGID board.
Dilione began his presentation explaining that Bartlett and West was the consulting firm, with himself being project manager, for the town’s wastewater conveyance project.
Dilione was the lead project representative (LPR) for a period of time while the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD) found a new LPR after the former LPR left in February.
As of recently, PAWSD has made Justin Ramsey, PAWSD engineer, the LPR for the wastewater conveyance project.
The first issue Dilione presented to the council involved progress estimate reports for the wastewater conveyance system, which Dilione gave in the form of a packet to the board and SUN staff.
The progress reports were submitted by Hammerlund Construction, the contractor that was performing the construction for the project.
Dilione drew attention to a particular item on the progress report which read “rock excavation.”
“The contractor submitted this to me, actually, because at that time I was playing the lead project representative role ... so we were actively involved on the project and out in the field,” he said.
Dilione went on to explain “They submitted on 760 linear feet of rock excavation that they did not perform.”
Dilione then drew attention to another few items that the contractor submitted to him, stating,“They submitted in on 400 square yards of asphalt removal and replacement ... they did not perform that work.”
After Dilione discussed several reports, he stated “As a town, you have essentially paid $83,000 extra for work that you shouldn’t have.”
In an interview with SUN staff, Town Manager Greg Schulte explained that, while there were mistakes made on the progress report, the field notes taken by people working in the field would need to be checked before a conclusion could be reached regarding what exact work was performed.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.