The Board of County Commissioners will meet Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 1:30 p.m. at the county courthouse.
Following is the agenda.
Call to order.
Pledge of allegiance.
Moment of silence.
Public comments. This is an opportunity during the session for the public to address the Commissioners on a subject not covered on the agenda. Step up to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and keep your comments to three minutes (the board is not required to discuss your comment or make a decision regarding your comment, under this section).
Recess the regular BoCC meeting and open a liquor hearing.
A. Consideration of a special events permit for Archuleta County Education Center to sell alcohol at their annual fund-raiser event to be held Dec. 31, 2012, at the Pagosa Lakes Clubhouse at 230 Port Ave.
Close liquor board hearing and open a land use regulation hearing:
A. Consideration of Resolution 2012- approving the consolidation of Lots 351, 352, 353, 354 and 355 Pagosa Vista, to become Lot 351X of the same owned by Mountain Properties, LLC. Pagosa Vista.
B. Consideration of Resolution 2012- approving the consolidation of Lots 374, 375, 376, and 377 Pagosa Vista, to become Lot 374X of the same owned by Mountain Properties, LLC Pagosa Vista.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2012- approving the consolidation of Lots 312 and 313 Pagosa in the Pines 2, to become Lot 312X of the same owned by Ray and Glenda Eck, Pagosa in the Pines 2.
Close land use regulation hearing and reconvene the BoCC meeting.
Consent agenda:
A. Approval of a one-year extension for the firms Bohannan Houston, Davis Engineering, Short Elliot and Henderson, Schmueser Gordon and Meyer, and Stantec to provide professional services for OnCall Civil Engineering during 2013.
Payroll and payable warrants:
B. Nov. 21, 2012–Dec. 4, 2012.
Regular meeting minutes:
C. Nov. 20, 2012.
New business:
A. Consider the establishment of an Archuleta County Extension Advisory Committee.
B. Consideration of the Archuleta County Extension Advisory Committee bylaws. Media questions.
Public comments.
Next regular BoCC meeting — Dec. 18.