Your child’s back-to-school health checklist


By Mike Baldyga

Special to The SUN

Summer fun is almost over for millions of American students. It’s time to put away the swimsuits, dust off the book bags and head back to school soon.

To ensure that students of all ages go to class in the best possible health, the nation’s emergency physicians advise parents and guardians to do a little homework of their own and go through a back-to-school health check list.

“Nothing is more important than making sure your child’s health is in check,” said Dr. Michael Gerardi, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). Checklist

Organize your child’s medical history records and emergency medical contact information. Provide copies of this information to your child’s school and any day care providers with instructions to take it with them to the emergency department if your child is sick or injured.

The form should include information related to prescription medications, medical problems or previous surgeries, as well as pertinent family history and emergency contacts. Free forms can be downloaded on the EmergencyCareForYou website. An emergency information form is also available for children with special needs.

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