By Wayne Lauffer
Special to The PREVIEW
Let’s Dance Club is excited to host its annual workshop with Richard and Debbie Love. Mark your calendars for these fun workshops with the Loves on June 4, 7 and 8.
Richard and Debbie Love return to Pagosa Springs annually to visit friends and share their teaching with dancers of all ages and abilities.
Former Pagosa residents, both Richard and Debbie are DVIDA-certified dance instructors (Dance Vision International Dance Association) from Colorado Springs, where they operate their dance business.
If you are looking for something unique and fun to do, these workshops are for you. West Coast swing (WCS) basics are required, but it is not necessary to have a partner to enjoy and learn at the workshops.
The schedule
• June 4 at the Pagosa Lakes Property Owners Association (PLPOA) Clubhouse: 5 p.m., meet and greet dinner at Ramon’s; 7 to 9 p.m., review of the basic pushes, passes and whips used in WCS.
• June 7, at the PLPOA Clubhouse: 7:30 to 7:45 p.m., check-in and warm-ups; 7:45 to 9 p.m., WCS: Beyond the Basics; 9 p.m., practice.
• June 8, at the Parish Hall: noon to 2:30 p.m., check-in and warm-ups; 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., cool push combinations; 2 to 3:15 p.m., cool pass combinations; 3:30 to 4:45 p.m., cool whip combinations; 5:30 p.m., dinner break at Boss Hogg’s; 8 to 10 p.m., social dance at Parish Hall.
Following the Saturday workshops, participants are welcome to join Debbie and Richard Love and fellow dancers for dinner at a local restaurant. Dinner will be followed by a social dance at the Parish Hall from 8 to 10 p.m., where a wide variety of music will be offered for your dancing pleasure.
Tuesday and Friday workshops will be held at the PLPOA Clubhouse located at 230 Port Ave.
The Saturday workshop will be held at the Parish Hall at 445 Lewis St.
Each time slot will have a choice of two workshops, each with a slightly different focus. Richard Love will teach one group and Debbie Love will teach the other. Pick the workshop that interests you the most.
The price for the full package of workshops is $50 per person, which includes the Saturday evening social dance. Individual workshops are $15 per person per workshop and $5 for the Saturday social dance.
At various times during the weekend, dancers are invited to gather for meals at local restaurants. All are welcome to participate in any or all these Let’s Dance socials.
In addition, the Loves will be available during the week for private lessons. Please contact them through their link listed below. For more information about the Loves and for additional details on the dance weekend in Pagosa Springs, such as restaurant venues and meal reservations, please visit the Loves’ meetup calendar:
For more information about the Let’s Dance Club, contact Wayne Lauffer at 264-4792 and check out the Let’s Dance Pagosa Meetup Group: