Wednesday deadline for baseball registration


By Tom Carosello

SUN Columnist

Registration for this year’s youth baseball leagues will close at 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 6.

The recreation office will accept registrations for coach-pitch division (ages 6, 7 and 8) and the 9- and 10-year-old division. The office will also accept registrations for the 11-13 division, but if the number of registrations submitted is not sufficient to support play in this age bracket, registration fees may be refunded and formal league play may be canceled.

Registrations are available at the recreation office in Town Hall and online. Registrations will be disbursed to local schools, as well. All registrations should be submitted to the recreation office. Cost to participate in the program is $30 per player and $15 for each additional child in the same family who participates.

Team coaches and sponsors are needed and appreciated. The season is tentatively scheduled to begin in early June and should run through mid-July; for more information, call the recreation office at 264-4151, ext. 231 or 232.

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