Want to be a happy camper? Attend the Book Fair

Photo courtesy Lisa Scott
First-grade students from Kelly Ward’s class showing off goods from the Book Fair are, left to right, Vicktory Quezada, Uriah Ortega, Rylan Chavez and Eman Domingo.[/caption]

By Lisa Scott

Special to The PREVIEW

Happy Camper Book Fair — S’more fun with books! will be running Feb. 27-March 10 during school hours in the Pagosa Springs Elementary School library.

The community, families and teachers are invited to attend this Scholastic Book Fair and participate in all the activities that accompany the camping theme and are all geared to instill the love of books and reading.

Partners In Education Committee (P.I.E.) has organized Family Night, which will be held Wednesday, March 8, from 5 to 7 p.m. A delicious and nutritious homemade dinner and drinks will be served in the cafeteria with a fun, yummy dessert.

Other activities include a variety of campfire games with prizes and Michael from the Sisson Library will entertain with story time. The Safe Routes to School program will host a Jeopardy game and Step Outdoors will present Trail Mix Bingo. Smokey the Bear will make a special appearance. Spirit T-shirts will be on sale, and everyone is encouraged to bring box tops to be entered in a drawing where six winners will be drawn for a prize. Additionally, games and activities to improve math skills will be held for fourth-grade students. All families are invited to the campsite at the school for an evening full of fun, to shop the Book Fair and enjoy a meal together.

The Book Fair serves several purposes for the school. First, it’s a great way to introduce new literature and highlight existing books that inspire children to read. Second, it is an opportunity for every student and their family to engage in an all-school activity and create camaraderie around education. Finally, it is a fundraiser and proceeds from book fairs are used for reading and educational improvements that are not funded through the school budget.

The community is invited to attend the Book Fair as a shopper or volunteer as the event is hosted in the school library and staffed by volunteers. For more questions or to volunteer, contact Lisa Scott at 264-2730 or sranch@centurytel.net.