UUs to discuss the spiritual journey of our political democracy


By Dean Cerny

Special to The PREVIEW

As we approach the end of 2019, we find ourselves amid a contentious presidential election cycle. For some, the results of next year’s democratic process will yield much hope. For others, the outcome may result in much disappointment. For those who locate themselves within a religious faith tradition, this coming year will be quite a spiritual journey.

Unitarian Universalists (UUs) seek some form of faith sustenance through what promises to be a tumultuous period. How might their faith inform their politics?

UUs will most likely attempt to abide within the seven principles of their faith tradition. These principles will serve as a lodestar for UUs who see this coming year as a spiritual faith journey. What seems to be politics as usual can also be viewed as an opportunity for practicing the spiritual discipline of UU principles.

This discipline of spiritual practice will require much effort and energy. Are UUs ready and willing to engage? Join us this Sunday, Oct. 27, at 10:30 a.m., as we prepare for the coming political storm. This service will be led by Pastor Dean Cerny.

Check out our calendar of events at pagosauu.org. All of these events take place at Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza. From North Pagosa Boulevard, turn onto Park Avenue, then turn into the Greenbriar Plaza, drive to the east side of the parking lot and look for the Unitarian Universalist sign, facing north.

If you would like to schedule a private meeting with Pastor Dean, or for further information, call 731-7900.