Traffic closures expected on Trujillo Road, pipeline project continues


A portion of Trujillo Road stretching south from Pagosa Springs to the transfer station and recycling center will be closed at various times over the next few weeks as Hammerlund Construction uses high explosives to blast through the rocky ground in preparation for installing the remaining section of the town’s new sewer pipe.

Gene Tautges, the supervisor of the Pagosa Springs Sanitation and General Improvement District (PSSGID), attended a construction meeting on May 28 and reported back to the district’s board of directors this week at its Tuesday night meeting.

“This weekend they are going to be doing some test blasting on Trujillo Road,” Tautges relayed, “so there will be some traffic closures.”

Tautges confirmed Hammerlund’s intention is to use high explosives for this portion of the project instead of the chemical process it attempted, without much success, last year.

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