Sept. 28, 1920-Oct. 2, 2013
Tinnie Elizabeth Conner Lattin passed of natural causes from this life to rest with her Lord on Oct. 2, 2013, at Pagosa Springs. A native of Pagosa, she was born there on Sept. 28, 1920, to Mary Leora Teeson Conner and Brenzel Frank Conner. She was the youngest of three children. The Teeson family was of pioneer stock in the Pagosa area since the late 19th century.
Tinnie’s father, a teacher at the Blanco Basin and Chromo one-room schools, died after surgery when she was but five years old. Her mother Mary then raised her three children mostly on her own.
Tinnie married Richard Nathan Caldon on June 1, 1936, and one son, Frank (“Frankie”) Richard Caldon was born to that union. Tinnie and her husband divorced in 1939, then she and Earl L. Lattin were married from 1940 to 1950.
She worked as a telephone operator, a clerk at Hersch Mercantile, and then in the town clerk’s office. In 1948, she was employed by the Archuleta County Treasurer’s Office and subsequently was elected county treasurer in 1950 — a position she held continuously for 40 years, retiring in 1990. Campaigning for re-election was a joy for Tinnie, giving her a chance to visit and reconnect with her many friends in the county.
In 1954, Tinnie bought her home on Hermosa Street where she resided until she was hospitalized in mid May of this year. There, she was well known for the huge garden she lovingly nurtured and tended each summer. She and her mother, Mary Birch, canned and shared their bounty with neighbors and friends alike. She also took great pride in her yard, which was accented by a large array of colorful flowers.
Her son, Frank Caldon, graduated from Pagosa Springs High School in 1954, married Alice Jones of the 1955 class and then, mentored by his uncles Frank Conner and Bud Patterson, attended Fort Lewis College. He was then employed as a metallurgist at Colorado School of Mines in Golden for a dozen years. He followed that profession in Montana, Tennessee and Nevada, as well. Frank and Alice had two daughters — Vicki, who passed in 1992, and Patricia, who resides in Moorpark, Calif.
Following retirement, in addition to traveling, Tinnie enjoyed working in the Pagosa LDS history/genealogy center helping input data and researching her own family history. Her church, of which she was a lifelong member, and her family were the hinge pins of her life.
Tinnie’s sister, Ione Conner Patterson, and brother, Frank Conner, preceded her in passing from this earth, as did her son, Frank Caldon, his wife Alice Jones Caldon, granddaughter Vicki Caldon Lamberton and niece, Anna Marie Patterson Price.
Surviving relatives are granddaughter Patricia Caldon Mettam (Rocky) of Moorpark, Calif., niece Cheryl Conner of Lakewood, Colo., four great-grandchildren, two great-nephews, one great-niece and four great-great-grandchildren.
Tinnie dearly cherished her family and friends as evidenced by the many photos displayed in her home. She was staunchly independent, continuing to live at home alone with the help and support of her friends and LDS family until April of this year, when she was hospitalized. Connie Langseth became Tinnie’s caregiver and devoted friend during the last year of her life.
The legacy of Tinnie Lattin is one of selfless love and giving to any and all, devotion to her church and church family, self reliance, adamant self responsibility for her personal affairs and warm hugs for anyone she knew — anywhere — any time. She will be dearly missed by all who knew her and all whose lives she touched with her genuine warmth and love.
A memorial service is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.