Timothy Joseph Heid, also known as “TJ” or “Tim,” perished in a Denver motel fire in April. His remains were found on Sept. 6. He was 28 years young and left us way too soon.
He was a graduate of the School of Mines in Golden, Colo., and spent most of his life in Denver. He loved animals, playing games and racing his remote control cars.
He leaves behind his parents, Gregg and Vicky Heid, of Pagosa Springs; and a brother, Dominick, who resides in Denver.
Services for Timothy will be at Pope John Paul II Catholic Church in Pagosa Springs. There will be a rosary on Friday, Nov. 4, at 6 p.m. The funeral Mass will be on Nov. 5, at 8:45 a.m. A brunch will follow in the church narthex.
In lieu of flowers, send any donations to AIC Tumaini Youth Center in Kitale, Kenya. You can send your check directly to Joy to the World Foundation, 5550 Tech Center Drive, Suite 305, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, or pay online by going to the website aictumainiyouthcenter.org. In the comment box or memo line, say in memory of Timothy Heid.