Stories To Tell Us meeting weekly


By Theresa Howard

Special to The PREVIEW

The holiday visitors have departed and the decorations have been lovingly stored away until next year. Now what?

Consider spending the quiet winter months writing your life’s story. You will benefit from the review and your descendants will appreciate learning more about you and the times you grew up in.

Stories To Tell Us is an open group of individuals meeting each week to tell their life stories to one another. Weekly topics are found on the website so attendees can come prepared.

In remembering and writing about the times of your life, you will review from an adult perspective the many choices you made and how they determined the life you have lived.

In listening to another’s life stories, participants glimpse others struggles and successes, gain new perspectives, motivations and insights. Oftentimes, hearing another’s story will revive sleeping memories of our own lives.

All are welcome to join us on Sundays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the Overlook Room of the Best Western Pagosa Lodge on U.S. 160. There are no age restrictions or prior writing experience required. Please visit the website prior to attending to find the week’s topic and bring your story to the meeting prepared to share.