Staff Writer
A number of special districts are seeking nominations for board seats to be voted for on Tuesday, May 6. The following districts have submitted notice of their elections to The SUN. Official notices can be found in the Public Notices section of The SUN. Details concerning each of these district elections are outlined below.
Upper San Juan Health Service District
The Upper San Juan Health Service District (USJHSD) will hold a regular special district election between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6. The district seeks to elect four directors to its board to serve four-year terms and one director to serve a two-year term.
Eligible electors of the USJHSD interested in serving on the board must obtain Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms from Jodi Halstead, the USJHSD designated election official. All Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms must be submitted and received by Halstead before 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28. Affidavit of Intent To Be A Write-In-Candidate forms must be submitted and received by Halstead no later than 3 p.m. on Monday, March 3.
Requests by electors for mail-in ballots must be filed with Halstead by Tuesday, April 29, at 3 p.m. if electors wish to receive mail-in ballots by mail or by Friday, May 2, at 3 p.m. if electors do not wish to receive mail-in ballots by mail.
Halstead’s office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The office address is 95 South Pagosa Blvd., Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.
Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District
The Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD) will hold a regular special district election between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6. The district seeks to elect two directors to its board at this time to serve four-year terms.
Eligible electors of the district interested in serving on the board can obtain Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms from Renee Lewis, the designated PAWSD election official, beginning Monday, Feb. 10. Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms must be received by Lewis no later than Friday, Feb. 28. Forms must be obtained from Lewis at 100 Lyn Ave. The mailing address is P.O. Box 4610, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.
Requests by electors for mail-in ballots must be filed with Lewis by Tuesday, April 29, if electors wish to receive mail-in ballots by mail or by Friday, May 2, if electors do not wish to receive mail-in ballots by mail.
Loma Linda
Metropolitan District
The Loma Linda Metropolitan District (Loma Linda) will hold a regular special district election between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6. The district seeks to elect three directors to its board to serve four-year terms.
Eligible electors of the district interested in serving on the board can obtain Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms from Lisa Jensen, the designated Loma Linda election official. All Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms must be received by Jensen no later than Friday, Feb. 28. Forms can be obtained from Jensen at 1252 Loma Linda Dr., Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. Please call 264-0430 or e-mail for more information.
Application for and return of absentee ballots may be filed with Jensen between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. until the close of business on Friday, May 2.
Colorado’s Timber Ridge Metropolitan District
Colorado’s Timber Ridge Metropolitan District (Timber Ridge) will hold a regular special district election between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6. The district seeks to elect two directors to its board to serve four-year terms and one director to serve a two-year term.
Eligible electors of the district interested in serving on the board can obtain Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms from Garry Lassman, the Timber Ridge designated election official. All Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms must be submitted and received by Lassman no later than Friday, Feb. 28. Affidavit of Intent To Be A Write-In-Candidate forms must be received by Lassman by the close of the business day Monday, March 3. Lassman can be contacted by mail at 1165 Cool Pines Dr., Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, by phone at 731-0829, or by e-mail at
Requests by electors for mail-in ballots must be filed with Lassman by Tuesday, April 29, if electors wish to receive mail-in ballots by mail or by Friday, May 2, if electors do not wish to receive mail-in ballots by mail.
Aspen Springs
Metropolitan District
The SUN has not yet received official notice of a May 6 election from the Aspen Springs Metropolitan District (Aspen Springs). However, Aspen Springs is currently accepting applicants to be appointed to fill a vacated board seat. The term for this seat will continue through May of this year.
Applicants must be either a property owner or resident in the district. Eligible applicants should mail a brief description of pertinent experience and personal contact information to A.S.M.D, P.O. Box 488, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, or e-mail the same information to
Applications must be postmarked, received via e-mail or delivered to the Aspen Springs Metro District shop by Monday, Feb. 10. Additional requirements can be found at