By Natalie Bertrand
Special to The SUN
Like many who graduated way back when, most high school students today do not know what career path they will take. The thought of having to choose can be stressful and daunting.
San Juan BOCES will host a career fair on Jan. 9 at Fort Lewis College with the intent of bringing together successful professionals with students to discuss how, why and when they chose their careers.
If you are interested in sharing your career path ups and downs, or qualities you look for in an employee or coworker, take this opportunity to participate or moderate a panel for high school students.
The La Plata/Archuleta County Career Fair Collaborative is an event for high school students in Pagosa Springs, Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio and Silverton. Students will have the opportunity to experience Fort Lewis College at this event and attend three panel sessions based on the Colorado Career Cluster Model.
Postsecondary Workforce Readiness is about having a plan for succeeding in life after high school. PWR is also about finding out about oneself and taking the path that best fits each individual. Whether they choose a four-year college, two-year college, certificate program, the military, entry into the workforce or a gap year, students need to have the PoWeR to be successful.
Visit to sign up or contact Natalie Bertrand, (970) 403-6218 or Deadline to volunteer is Nov. 22.