By Marshall Dunham
Staff Writer
Because of an error, a small number of voters within the Pagosa Fire Protection District (PFPD) may receive two ballots this election season.
According to June Madrid, Archuleta County clerk and recorder, voters may receive an additional ballot that only contains ballot Question 5A, which asks to raise the mill levy for the PFPD.
If a voter does not live in the fire district but owns property in the fire district, they will receive their regular ballot and also a ballot with just the fire district’s question, explained Madrid. This is solely based on physical addresses.
“Fire district ballots are going everywhere in Colorado to people that own property here in the fire district,” Madrid explained.
The reason a small number of people may receive two mail-in ballots has to do with a small error involving the PFPD and the Election’s Office, Madrid explained.
The error occurred when the Election’s Office sent a list to the PFPD to verify registered voters who live within the fire district, noted Madrid. The PFPD signed off on the list saying it was correct, but appeared to make a mistake regarding voters on Sonlight Place.
Madrid went on to explain that, as far as she knows, the six or seven residents on Sonlight Place are the only voters affected.
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