Special to The PREVIEW
It’s time to mark your calendars for the 2016 Pagosa Springs 9Health Fair. This year’s 9Health Fair will be held from 7 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 30, at Pagosa Springs High School.
Online preregistration is available at www.9healthfair.org/FindaFair. There is information and specific instructions on the website as to how to preregister online for the blood screenings and colorectal kits offered at the Pagosa Springs 9Health Fair. You may also register and pay the day of the fair.
As in past years, there are four basic blood screenings available to all participants: blood chemistry, $35; vitamin D, $45; blood cell count, $20; and hemoglobin a1c, $30. In addition, a PSA blood screening for $30 is offered for men only.
You may also purchase the take-home colorectal kit for $25 which screens for colon cancer. Look for detailed information regarding the low-cost screenings in future articles in The Pagosa Springs SUN, as well as updates about the other free screenings and education that will be offered at the Pagosa Springs 9Health Fair.
If you have questions, please call Caroline Brown at 731-4248.