San Juan National Forest update:
Although the weather remains hot and breezy, those conditions are not expected to promote rapid fire growth on the Sand Creek Fire today. Firefighters on the ground, assisted by helicopters dropping water, are working to contain the fire to the smallest acreage possible safely. The fire is estimated at 65 acres and it is not currently threatening any communities or structures.
Fire mangers put a high priority on full suppression in areas where firefighters can mitigate safety hazards and protect important values that may be at risk. The remote terrain and high density of dangerous dead trees (snags) in and around this fire creates a difficult situation for firefighters. This has resulted in firefighters taking a careful look at areas farther from the fire, where they can safely engage. This also includes reviewing structure protection plans developed during the 2012 Little Sand Fire. Residents within the Weminuche Valley may notice firefighters in the area, but the fire does not pose a threat to any populated areas and firefighters are simply verifying plans developed eight years ago for their current applicability.
Smoke from this fire is visible to the north from U.S. 160 between Pagosa Springs and Bayfield. Please do not report the smoke. Fire danger is extreme and fire restrictions are in place on the San Juan National Forest.
Additional incident information on the Sand Creek Fire is being posted daily to: