San Juan National Forest Christmas tree permits on sale


Special to The SUN

Christmas tree permits, which allow you to cut your own Christmas tree, are n2.5ow on sale for $8 at San Juan National Forest offices and selected retail outlets in southwestern Colorado.

A permit allows you to cut one tree up to 20 feet tall for personal use until Dec. 31. Permits come with a brochure and safety tips, information on which species of tree to harvest and the best places to find trees.

The Forest Service is also offering one free permit to fourth-grade students who hold a valid Every Kid in a Park pass or paper voucher downloaded from: The free permit is good only at agency offices and the participating fourth-grader must be present.

For more information on that program, see related article.

San Juan National Forest permits are now on sale at the Pagosa Ranger District, currently located in a trailer at 180 Pagosa St. (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; sometimes closed for lunch from noon until 1 p.m.).

National Forest roads are not plowed for snow removal and icy or snow-packed conditions may exist. For information on road conditions, go to: or call the Pagosa Ranger District at 264-2268.

Bureau of Land Management Christmas tree permits are sold separately and are not valid on National Forest service lands.