By Patricia Billinger
Special to The SUN
The American Red Cross is seeking skilled communications volunteers to utilize their skills in helping the Red Cross in Pagosa Springs and the surrounding communities.
Several positions are open; volunteers can serve in one or multiple roles, depending upon skills and availability:
• Disaster public affairs: Serve on-call several days a month to provide public information and media outreach during local disasters.
• Digital Engagement: Contribute to our blog and support the daily operations of our local social media.
• Storytelling: Help us share the Red Cross story by taking photos and/or interviewing clients, volunteers and heroes and capturing their stories in writing, video and/or photo.
Prospective volunteers should have excellent writing and communications skills, have solid computer and social media skills, and be willing to commit to serve for at least one year.
If you are interested in any of these positions, e-mail your resume to