If all continues to go well, by August the downtown neighborhoods of Pagosa Springs will once again enjoy a full-service grocery store.
“Thank heaven, we finally closed on Monday,” Hometown Food Markets owner Eddie Sowards told SUN staff in a phone call yesterday morning. “We are just starting to work. I don’t have an exact date of when we are going to open, yet, to be honest, but I’m thinking somewhere around the first of August.”
Sowards then invited SUN staff to come over to the store for a tour and an interview.
According to the original incentive package the town offered to Sowards, the deadline for purchasing the property was May 31. Late last month, however, when it became apparent that Sowards wouldn’t be able to meet this deadline due to some unexpected delays in obtaining his Small Business Administration loan, town council was willing to amend the agreement and grant an extension.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.