Special to The PREVIEW
Photo courtesy Steven MerchantThe Pagosa Springs Photography Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday evening, Jan. 8 at Shy Rabbit Contemporary Art Center, 333 Bastille Drive. Join us for socializing at 6 p.m., followed by the program and business meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Photography enthusiasts at all levels of ability are invited to attend club meetings at no charge for the first meeting. If interested, you are invited to join for annual dues of $20 for individuals, $30 for a family membership and $10 for a student membership. The Photography Club meets the second Wednesday of each month from September through May at 6 p.m. at Shy Rabbit.
The Pagosa Springs Photo Club is pleased to announce this month’s program, “Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5,” to be presented by Steve Merchant. Steve’s work has been exhibited previously at the club’s annual Juried Print Exhibits. He lives in Pagosa Springs and is delighted with the many opportunities for photography, both near and far.
Members are also encouraged to bring 10-15 photographs on a flash drive or CD, “member’s choice,” for review following the program, as time permits.
For more information concerning the meeting, contact Al Olson at 731-9801, or TJ Reynolds at 731-9581.