By Sepp D. Ramsperger, Col. USMC (Ret.)
Special to The PREVIEW
“Once a Marine, always a Marine.”
All Marines are hereby invited to attend the celebration of the 246th birthday of our corps on Nov. 10.
The traditional celebration will commence at 1800 (that’s 6 p.m. for civilians) at a location to be determined and announced later. Marines, their guests, and especially U.S. Navy corpsmen and friends of Marines will observe our traditional cake-cutting ceremony which our oldest and youngest Marine present will conduct. Complimentary birthday cake, wine and beer will be provided.
Uniforms are always appropriate, but civilian dress is casual. If any of our attendees think they meet our criteria for the oldest and youngest Marine, call and let us know.
Please either call Don MacNamee at (970) 731-0306 or Ed Robinson at (970) 731-0718 by Sunday, Nov. 7, for reservations.
Happy birthday — semper fidelis.