Medical alert monitoring systems are available for seniors. We can help you get set up with a system and assist with the monthly service charges or, if you already have a system in place, we can help supplement the monthly service fees.
Please call 264-2167 for more information or to sign up.
Health and wellness
The Senior Center has a pilot program expanding health and wellness services to Archuleta County seniors. The program includes wellness and blood pressure monitoring, or allows individual area seniors to discuss two subjects of their choice.
There is no charge for Medicare enrollees. Participant IDs will include Medicare card, photo ID and, if necessary, any supplemental insurances. No Medicaid is accepted at this time. Participants are encouraged to bring a list of their current medications.
Clinical assessment will be provided by Tabitha Zappone, FNP-C.
The goal of the outreach clinic is to provide care to those who are not able to travel.
The next Health and Wellness date will be in May; stay tuned for the date.
San Juan Basin Area Agency on Aging: An eight-year study
By Kay Kaylor
As the part-time long-term care ombudsman for Archuleta County, I advocate for residents at Pine Ridge and BeeHive Homes. Federal and state laws protect residents to promote quality of care and quality of life. The Kaiser Family Foundation and University of California, San Francisco, just released a national report titled “Nursing Facilities, Staffing, Residents and Facility Deficiencies, 2009 Through 2016.”
The 48-page report includes these highlights (percentages are rounded):
• The average number of deficiencies cited by the Colorado health department is 9 to 11 per facility (the same as 10 states), whereas 30 states had a lower average. In 2016 for all the states, the most common deficiencies were given for failures in infection control (45 percent), food sanitation (43 percent), accident environment (40 percent), quality of care (34 percent) and pharmacy consultation (27 percent). Deficiencies for actual harm or jeopardy in Colorado decreased from 42 percent to 18 percent.
• In the study’s eight years, nursing facility capacity has remained flat (an average of 94 to 96 Medicaid/Medicare certified beds per home in Colorado), but occupancy rates have declined (from 82 percent to 78 percent in Colorado). This may reflect a shift from institutional to community-based long-term care.
• The number of for-profit or chain-owned facilities grew in Colorado from 62 percent to 73 percent over the period. According to the study, these types of homes are linked to “poorer quality of care,” so monitoring the trend would be important to decision makers and consumers.
For further information, you may call me at 403-2164 or send an email to
Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch. If you are a senior (60 years and older), for only a $4 suggested donation, you are eligible for a hot meal, drink and a salad prepared by our kitchen staff.
The guest fee for those 59 and under is $10 and children 10 years and under can eat for $5 each. Access to the salad bar is only $6 for those under 60.
Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Thursday, April 26 — Hot chicken salad, roasted broccoli, zucchini medley, milk, salad bar and peach cobbler.
Friday, April 27 — Baked tilapia, rice pilaf, baby beets, mango salsa, salad bar and lemon dessert.
Monday, April 30 — Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner roll, milk and salad bar.
Tuesday, May 1 — Chicken or vegetarian korma, brown rice, creamed green beans, milk, salad bar and peach cobbler.
Wednesday, May 2 — Beef stuffed peppers, steamed carrots, baked red potato, milk, salad bar and yogurt with strawberries.
Thursday, May 3 — Salmon cakes, black bean and peach salsa, Mexicali corn, milk and salad bar.
Reservations and cancellations are required. You can make a reservation at 264-2167 by 9 a.m. the morning of the day you would like to dine in the Community Cafe at the Senior Center.