2019/03/20140708_165415-300x225.jpg Photo courtesy Bob Milford
Prior to work being done, trail crew members assess one of thousands of trees that have fallen over Pagosa Springs area trails. A cross-cut saw lays against the tree in the foreground.
By John Finefrock
Staff Writer
About 15,000 dead, fallen trees are blocking access to trails in the Pagosa Springs area, and local organizations need additional funding and volunteers to clear the damage caused by the spruce beetle.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.
2019/03/Turkey-Creek-2017-2-225x300.jpg Photo courtesy Bob Milford
After clearing the downed tree and restoring access to the trail, members of the trail crew continue work to remove dead trees killed by the spruce beetle.