January is National Radon Action Month


January 2015 has been declared National Radon Action Month, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Health agencies through the United States have joined forces to promote awareness of the leading cause of lung cancer for nonsmokers. The American Lung Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Cancer Institute all agree that radon is a national health problem and encourage radon testing during the January awareness drive.

Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible and odorless radioactive gas. One in 15 American homes contains high levels of radon. Millions of Americans are unknowingly exposed to this dangerous gas. In fact, a recent study by Harvard University ranks radon as America’s leading in-home hazard. By taking simple steps to test your home for radon and fix if necessary, this health hazard can be avoided.

Radon gas is not isolated to certain geographical areas or home types. Radon problems have been detected in homes in every county of the U.S. It caused more American fatalities this year than carbon monoxide, fires and handguns combined. If a home hasn’t been tested for radon in the past two years, EPA and the surgeon general urge you to take action. Contact your state radon office for information on locating qualified test kits or qualified radon testers.

The federal commitment made by EPA, the General Services Administration and the departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Interior and Veterans Affairs will focus efforts on radon reduction and mitigation in homes, especially those of low-income families, any of whom do not have the resources to make the simple fixes necessary to protect their homes and loved ones.

Learn more about radon action month at www.RadonMonth.org.