The most anticipated time of the Girl Scout year is here! Girl Scout Cookies go on sale across Colorado on Sunday, Jan. 26. Colorado’s Girl Scout Cookie program runs through March 2, with booth sales in front of major retail locations starting Feb. 7. Each purchase of Girl Scout Cookies supports girls in developing five lifelong skills: goal-setting; decision-making; money management; people skills and business ethics.
Girl Scout alumnae are shining examples of the lifelong impact of the Girl Scout Cookie program. Today, more than two-thirds of women business owners and CEOs and United States senators and congresswomen were Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts boasts a 59 million alumnae base, and many of these women tell Girl Scouts they learned their early business leadership skills through selling Girl Scout Cookies.
In 1917, Girl Scouts began selling cookies and, today, the program has grown into a 790-million girl-led business, making it the largest in the country. In fact, last year Colorado Girl Scouts earned $2.51 million for their activities, such as going to camp, traveling domestically or internationally, completing a Take Action project to benefit the community, taking a Girl Scout leadership journey and/or earning Girl Scout badges on topics of interest.
“Girl Scout Cookie time is all about teaching girls lifelong business skills,” said Stephanie Foote, president and CEO of Girl Scouts of Colorado. “The proceeds from these girl-led businesses go to fund all the adventures you get to have as a Girl Scout.”
Girl Scout Cookies cost $4 per package and all money raised supports girls in Girl Scouts of Colorado. This year, Girl Scouts in Colorado will sell the six most popular Girl Scout Cookie varieties, including Do-si-Dos, Samoas, Savannah Smiles, Tagalongs, Thin Mints and Trefoils. All Girl Scout Cookie varieties contain zero grams of trans fat per serving and the Do-si-Dos, Savannah Smiles and Trefoils have no hydrogenated oils. Further information about Girl Scout Cookie ingredients can be found at
Girl Scouts are encouraged to “ask” family and friends to buy Girl Scout Cookies online through e-mail, social networking (such as Facebook or Twitter) or even text messaging; however, at this time, Girl Scouts cannot collect money online for cookie purchases. In Colorado, Girl Scouts can participate in the online Cookie Club, where they set goals, track their progress and email their family and friends to ask them to make purchases.
Making the world a better place is central to the Girl Scout mission. During the Cookie Program, Girl Scouts honor the nonprofit organizations, food banks, military and uniformed personnel who are so important to the community through Girl Scouts’ Hometown Heroes/Gift of Caring program. Through this program, customers have the opportunity to purchase a package of cookies to donate to Girl Scouts’ heroes — a perfect solution for those who pass on the tempting treats! Girls learn about the invaluable work of their recipients by taking tours, learning about careers in public service and helping with service projects. All Hometown Heroes/Gift of Caring purchases may be eligible for a tax deduction. Last year’s statewide program netted 124,897 packages for hundreds of organizations. The 2014 goal for the Hometown Heroes/Gift of Caring program in Colorado is 200,000 packages.
Customers looking for cookies can use the “Cookie Locator” online or the mobile app to search for locations where they can make a purchase. Visit to get started or learn more.
National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
Girl Scouts of Colorado will join the nation on Friday, Feb. 7, and Saturday, Feb. 8, for the National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, which is the first weekend of cookie booth sales at major retail locations throughout Colorado. On this weekend, Girl Scouts of Colorado is asking everyone, from girl members to adult volunteers, families, donors, partners, alumnae, staff and friends to talk on social media about real-life skills learned through selling Girl Scout Cookies. Prizes, such as free Girl Scout Cookies, will be given away on Girl Scouts of Colorado’s social media channels throughout weekend. Join us for the fun by following Girl Scouts of Colorado on Facebook ( and/or Twitter (
About Girl Scouts of Colorado
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. We provide a safe place for girls to explore their world — from science, technology and the environment to healthy living, anti-bullying and financial literacy. For 100 years, Girl Scouting has been helping each girl develop her personal leadership skills and make friends that last a lifetime. Girl Scouts is also a great place to enhance job skills and give back to your community as an adult volunteer. In fact, we serve 28,000 girl members and 7,500 adult volunteers across Colorado. Flexible pathways for participation make it easy for girls and adult volunteers to get involved. Come learn more about how you can be part of the Girl Scout leadership experience by visiting, calling (877) 404-5708 or e-mailing