Special to The PREVIEW
The Mountain View Homemakers organization is proud to host Susan Bates, a retired U.S. Navy nurse, at its next meeting on March 10.
Bates will be giving an enlightening presentation about her experiences in the military. A few years ago, she was on active duty caring for the wounded. This amazing discussion is not to be missed.
All area women are invited to this gathering at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 10, at the Extension center at the fairgrounds.
There will be a covered-dish lunch at noon. First-time visitors are not expected to bring food.
Mountain View Homemakers is a 50-year-old monthly gathering of area women who are interested in making their lives, the lives of their families and the community more enjoyable. The meetings include lunch and a speaker or activity.
At least one meeting each year is a hands-on community project and this year it will be in April. Our July meeting is an auction/fundraiser.
We encourage interested women to join our diverse group of local ladies. There are no dues or membership requirements. We meet on the second Thursday of every month.
Call Tozi at 731-3360 with questions.