By Tozi Rubin
Special to The PREVIEW
The Mountain View Homemakers will have their second annual jewelry/accessories exchange at our upcoming meeting on Sept. 13. Last year’s event was a huge success and we look forward to more fun this year. Women who attend are not obligated to participate in this exchange.
Each woman who attends (member or guest) is encouraged to bring one accessory to exchange. You can bring a necklace, bracelet, purse or scarf that you aren’t really using that you’d like to exchange for something else. We will not be accepting earrings, rings or shoes.
Everything needs to be in perfect condition: a gift you aren’t wearing or perhaps you have too many pieces that are similar. Please bring an item that you would feel comfortable giving to a friend. This is not a garage sale.
Bring just one item and you will go home with one item. We will explain how the exchange works at the meeting. Before lunch, you will be able to peruse the jewelry and accessories as they arrive, looking for treasures that interest you.
We invite all area women to meet at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 13, at the Methodist Church on Lewis Street. We socialize before we enjoy a potluck lunch provided by members. First-time visitors are not expected to bring food. This is a wonderful opportunity to make new friends in the community.
Mountain View Homemakers is a 50-year-old monthly gathering of area women who are interested in making their lives, the lives of their families and the community more enjoyable. The meetings include lunch and a speaker or activity.
We meet on the second Thursday of every month. There are no dues or membership requirements and every interested woman is welcome. No special skills are necessary. If you live in a home, you are a homemaker.
Call Tozi Rubin at 731-3360 with any questions.