Free Community Closet postponed, reset for Nov. 14


By Kim Hamilton

Special to The PREVIEW

Due to inclement weather, the Free Community Closet event scheduled at Airport Storage on Piedra Road for Saturday, Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. had to be postponed until Saturday, Nov. 14, for the same hours. We apologize for any inconvenience. Be sure to come to this great event to find any size of winter clothing and foot wear. 

This is also a bike drive for our annual Adopt-A-Pagosa-Family for Christmas project. Please bring any bikes in good condition that you’d like to donate to a child for Christmas. We can handle some repairs such as new tires, seats and handle grips, but please do not bring anything that needs extensive repairs. We have just a few people to help with these and we do not need to overwhelm them.

Sign-ups to have your family be able to put down your wish list for the Christmas project if you are in need will start at this event. Also, families can sign up to adopt such families. You can sign up to fulfill a need, several needs, a whole family or donate funds for us to go purchase the items needed. 

We’re having this event rain, snow or shine. It will be under tents in the parking lot if needed.

If you need any further information, please contact Kim Hamilton at or on Facebook as Kimberlie Fleming Hamilton. 

As always, thanks, Pagosans, for your continued support in helping families in our community with our grassroots efforts from families directly to families.