Special to The PREVIEW
The Earth Community in August had a wonderful lecture at the library given by Fran Korten, publisher of YES Magazine. It is scheduled in November and December for discussions of recent issues of the magazine. Current copies and back issues are available at the library.
On Nov. 30 at the Pagosa Springs Visitor Center, at 3 and 6 p.m., will be discussions of the winter 2016 issue on “How to Create a Culture of Good Health—Mind+ Body+Community.” This issue is especially valuable for health conscious people or someone with health issues who is looking for alternative solutions.
The format of the sessions will be that as people arrive and enjoy healthy snacks, there will be copies of interesting articles from the winter 2016 issue to read or reread. Then we will select the most interesting topic to start our discussion. The entire time will be focused on the interests and concerns of the participants using this wonderful magazine as a tool.
On Monday, Dec. 12, at 2 and 6 p.m., there will be discussions of the fall 2015 issue of YES Magazine which is titled “The Debt Issue.” We will discuss everything from our national debt, to student loans, to good and bad debt.
Hope to see you to benefit yourself and our community.