Special to The PREVIEW
Friday, Oct. 16, and Saturday, Oct. 17, mark two important days for the Earth Community around the world. Other countries will be having major events and we want Pagosa Springs to be in on what’s happening.
Friday is World Food Day. In the U.S., we may say that “we think about food every day.” We have to decide what we will cook for dinner or what kind of “mood” we are in when eating out — Mexican, Chinese or Italian? And then we have to choose what kind of burger it will be: A Whopper, Big Mac or maybe Wendy’s? We are the fortunate ones.
A staggering number, over 800 million, of people in the world think about food, too, because they go to bed hungry.
On Friday, we need to stop to realize how fortunate we are. Then we need to increase our awareness of hunger in the world as the first step in changing it. It is the goal of many organizations to eradicate world hunger in our lifetime. But, it starts when each one of us acknowledges the seriousness of the problem. That is the goal of World Food Day. Do your part.
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